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Program for First Fit , Worst Fit , Best Fit Memory Allocation Algorithm

Program for First Fit  , Worst Fit , Best Fit Memory Allocation Algorithm


C++  Program for Best fit Algorithm


using namespace std;

int main()
    int fragment[20],b[20],p[20],i,j,nb,np,temp,lowest=9999;
    static int barray[20],parray[20];
    cout<<"\n\t\t\tMemory Management Scheme - Best Fit";
    cout<<"\nEnter the number of blocks:";
    cout<<"Enter the number of processes:";
    cout<<"\nEnter the size of the blocks:-\n";
        cout<<"Block no."<<i<<":";
    cout<<"\nEnter the size of the processes :-\n";
        cout<<"Process no. "<<i<<":";
    for(i=1;i<=np && parray[i]!=0;i++)
        cout<<"\n"<<i<<"\t\t"<<p[i]<<"\t\t"<<parray[i]<<"\t\t"<<b[parray[i]]<<"\t\t" <<fragment[i];
    return 0;

Memory management scheme - Best fit output
Out put for Best fit Memory Allocation Algorithm

C++  Program for First fit algorithm


using namespace std;

int main()
    int bsize[10], psize[10], bno, pno, flags[10], allocation[10], i, j;

    for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        flags[i] = 0;
        allocation[i] = -1;
    cout<<"Enter no. of blocks: ";
    cout<<"\nEnter size of each block: ";
    for(i = 0; i < bno; i++)

    cout<<"\nEnter no. of processes: ";
    cout<<"\nEnter size of each process: ";
    for(i = 0; i < pno; i++)
    for(i = 0; i < pno; i++)         //allocation as per first fit
        for(j = 0; j < bno; j++)
            if(flags[j] == 0 && bsize[j] >= psize[i])
                allocation[j] = i;
                flags[j] = 1;
    //display allocation details
    cout<<"\nBlock no.\tsize\t\tprocess no.\t\tsize";
    for(i = 0; i < bno; i++)
        cout<<"\n"<< i+1<<"\t\t"<<bsize[i]<<"\t\t";
        if(flags[i] == 1)
            cout<<"Not allocated";
    return 0;


Memory management scheme - First fit output
Out put for First fit Memory Allocation Algorithm

C++  Program for Worst fit Algorithm

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    int nBlocks,nProcess,blockSize[20],processSize[20];
    cout<<" Enter the number of blocks: "; cin>>nBlocks;
    cout<<" Enter the number of processes: "; cin>>nProcess;
    cout<<" Enter the size of "<<nBlocks<<" blocks: ";
    for(int i=0;i<nBlocks;i++) cin>>blockSize[i];
    cout<<" Enter the size of "<<nProcess<<" processes: ";
    for(int i=0;i<nProcess;i++) cin>>processSize[i];

      for(int i=0;i<nProcess;i++)
           int max = blockSize[0];
           int pos = 0;
           for(int j=0;j<nBlocks;j++)
            if(max < blockSize[j]) { max = blockSize[j]; pos = j; } if(max >= processSize[i])
                cout<<"\nProcess "<<i+1<<" is allocated to block "<<pos+1;
                blockSize[pos] = blockSize[pos]-processSize[i];
            cout<<"\nProcess "<<i+1<<" can't be allocated";

     return 0;

Memory management scheme - Worst fit output
Out put for Worst fit Memory Allocation Algorithm

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