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C++ Practice questions for BSc Computer Science

Sample questions on object oriented programming (C++) for +3 computer science students under semester system

  1. Explain inline function and its advantages with example.
  2. What is function overloading ? What are its advantages.What are the rules for finding perfect match ?Give example.
  3. Explain the concept of class and object with example.Discuss different visibility tags.
  4. Explain with example how objects can be used to manipulate class members.
  5. Discuss about static data member and member functions.
  6. Write a program to show how objects can be passed as function arguments.
  7. What is friend function ? What are its advantages? give example.
  8. Explain the concepts of constructor with all its characteristics. 
  9. What is copy constructor Give example.?
  10. Discuss about Destructor.Give a example to show how Destructors work.
  11. What is inheritance ? Discuss different types of inheritance.
  12. What is virtual base class ? Give example.
  13.  Explain operator overloading.What is operator function ? Write a program to overload binary addition "+"operator.
  14. How exception is handled in OOP. ? Explain the mechanism.
  15. Write a program that will catch an exception of division by zero and take action.
  16. Write short notes on Virtual Function , This pointer.

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